Jan Sandman
Photo by Henry Romaine
For my entire life, creativity in all its forms has been a bright torch guiding me and leading me in all of my work, in all ways. I live with it. I feel it is so connected to life force itself and so, at its best, to the highest expression of spirit and holiness. I studied photography at the Art Institute of Boston and have studied with various masters in other forms: watercolor, clay sculpture, pastel, and cold wax to name a few mediums.
When I discovered cold wax work, I felt as though I had come home. Here was a medium that had the freedom of expression and texture and layering and luminosity that spoke to me so deeply. In addition, I found the medium to be enormously physically satisfying.
I teach and practice Authentic Movement, facilitate Family Constellations, practice Trager Bodywork, and help people to deeply connect with their essence. I find that painting takes me in this direction of essence also. Deeper and deeper into what is most true.
I offer many of these pieces for sale. Please do inquire if you are interested.
Please feel welcome to visit my other site to see the fuller offering of my work www.jansandman.com